How often do we say that things must change, we must change, and then end up doing nothing?  Many times the unknown or the contemplation of change is too daunting for us; lets face it we can get comfortable with the discomfort.  The fear of change, even beneficial change, can be so powerful that we choose to stay in that challenging place.

As you probably already know, the one constant in life is change.  Every moment we breathe something changes in our lives.  Sometimes it is a very subtle change and sometimes it can be life altering.  We do not always have control over the changes that happen in our life; at times we may not even be aware of them. However, we do have control over how we react and respond.  Sometimes fear renders us immobile and we feel as if we have no control.  We always have control over what we choose.  Whether we do something or not is a choice, even if it is choosing not to choose.

When you are ready to change you already have the power to do so.  Whether that is to find another job, advance in your current employment, start your own business, begin a family, move to another location, get married, get divorced or retire. Whatever it may be that you feel will allow you to enjoy a more fulfilling, purposeful and happy life now.   Are you ready to change?  Will you do it now?  What might stop you?  I am pretty sure that whatever might stop you is fear based.

You may find yourself asking, “Will I make enough money?” “What if I can’t do it?” “What will people say?” “How will I learn it all?” “What if I am wrong?”  Now you have done it, you have given the undesirable side of the RE family a purpose to visit and raise havoc in your mind. They cunningly and quickly invent reasons that plant a seed of doubt which, in the end, cause you to rethink, renege, resist, regret and all the other REasons for not moving forward.  It is time to remove the FEAR, or, as I prefer to call it, “False Evidence Appearing Real”.  How true are any of the beliefs that are holding you back?  What resources do you have that will help you move forward?  What is the worst that can happen?

Gavin De Becker, a specialist in security issues for large corporate agencies and celebrities, once said, “The very fact that we fear something is positive proof that it has not already happened.” What would you do if you knew you could not fail?  What would you learn if you did?  What price are you paying to not take action?  Life is short; experience is life’s greatest teacher. It allows us to live to our greatest potential and learn from it all. Take time to focus on all of the positive experiences you will enjoy once you make that change. Like many others, you have probably taken a lot of time focusing on the less positive outcomes.  If you haven’t, friends, family, co workers and even total strangers will be all to happy to tell you the reasons why it won’t work, albeit with good intentions.  Try it anyway when you feel that desire and passion.  Nothing can outwit desire and passion.

You are wiser than you know, you are more resourceful than you can ever imagine, and the greatest deterrent to change is FEAR.  Live big, Experience Life, its time to step into your power.