Do you tend to move away from a problem, or are you someone who moves towards a solution?  Your answer to this will impact your quality life and how much control that you perceive you have.

When we move away from a problem the main motivation is fear, or lack of ability, self-discovery, desire, or resources to change what is really happening.  This rarely brings us our desired outcome, as the root source of the problem will follow us.  For example, you change your job because you cannot get along with any of your fellow co-workers.  There may be some circumstances where we really are surrounded by a team of “mean girls or boys”.  However, if that is not the case (and it rarely is) you will probably find that the same problem will resurface in your new work environment.  Why? You have just sidestepped the problem, you have not asked yourself and discovered “What are the reasons that I cannot get along with my co-workers?” Until you are open and honest with what part you may play in creating the problem, you cannot make a fair, objective evaluation.  Once you recognize your part in the problem, and are willing to change it so that it will no longer impact your relationships, then you are moving towards a solution.

When you have the mindset of moving towards a solution you recognize the problem, analyze it, get honest feedback and are open to recognizing how you might be contributing to it.  With those resources you can now formulate a powerful plan to move towards the solution.  The greatest leaders recognize when things are not going well and move towards a solution instead of moving away from the problem. We are all leaders, either by choice or default. Are you a leader that moves towards or away?