
 We are all at times some form of the push word. The way we react or interpret the meaning is largely dependent on our level of engagement and commitment. How secure and committed are you with your decisions and direction?  Chances are if you are passionate about something you will not be a pushover, and being called pushy will not push your buttons in the same way as it would if you were unsure about your choice or decision.  Many of us have encountered the extremes of the push word.  The “pushover” who is easily influenced and seems to lack an original opinion.  The “button pusher“ who delights in finding our “hot buttons” and pushing them any chance they get. The pushy sales person who continues to try and convince us it’s a great deal long after we have said we are not interested.

That being said I believe that at certain times it is necessary to be a pushover, button pusher and especially pushy.  I know that when I am tired after a long day and choose not to argue with my kids about some rule or issue that was implemented in a saner state of mind, I may be looked at as being a pushover.  Actually I am choosing to embrace the peacefulness that comes with it.  When I know that motivating someone will mean I have to push a button, my fingers are ready to push and push I will.  The key is not to push for your benefit. Push to motivate them to take action that is in their best interest.  When I am passionate about a belief or cause I am as tenacious as a terrier, (just ask my friends and family…) I can be viewed as pushy and I embrace that.  To me it means that I am being heard and causing others to have an opinion.

Sometimes that four lettered push word can be our greatest ally and at other times our nemesis.  It is about how we choose to decipher and use it. Please push the comment button and share your opinion.